610-857-5688 - Emergency 911 or 610-383-7000
Welcome to West Sadsbury Township Police Dept.
Making our community a better place!
610-857-5688 - Emergency 911 or 610-383-7000
Making our community a better place!
After the retirement of Chief Luke Fidler, The West Sadsbury Board of Supervisors unanimously voted to promote Sgt. Edward Moore to the rank of Chief of Police
The West Sadsbury Police provide police services from 8:00am until midnight during the weekdays, and limited coverage on the weekends due to staffing issues. Our agency does receive many calls off hours and will only get returned when officers return to the office. Please call 911 for any need for a police officer and the West Sadsbury Officers will respond if on duty, otherwise you will receive a call or visit from the PA State Police from the Embreeville Barracks.
The mission of the West Sadsbury Township Police Department is to protect the lives and property of citizens, businesses and visitors to the township thru the enforcement of applicable state and local laws.
It is also our goal and mission to maintain a high level of visibility throughout the township and to respond to the needs of the community to the best of our abilities.
We couldn't accomplish our goals without the help of citizens like you.
Feel free to stop in at the Police Station to make a report or just say hello!
4119 West Lincoln Hwy, Parkesburg, PA 19365
Do you have a business in West Sadsbury Township? Please go to the top of this page select Forms and download the Business Contact form and attach it on this page on the left. We will update our emergency contact records once received!
4119 W. Lincoln Hwy, Parkesburg, PA 19365
Office : (610) 857-5688 Fax (610) 857-5621
Police Response or report call 911 or 610-383-7000
This form is not for a police report or response.
eMail: police@wsadspd.org (please allow 24 hr response)
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